Quiet Title Actions – Legal Versus Equitable

Some situations require a quiet action in real estate deals, title conflicts and a completion of ownership transfers and claims. When someone must file to authenticate their title being valid despite claims explaining that it is not, the individual usually must undergo a quiet title action. This may be regarding the actual property title, an […]

Florida Real Estate Title Issues That May Require Probate Administration

When someone dies owning real estate in Florida and does not have a carefully drafted estate plan or has a defective title/invalid deed, then a probate administration may be necessary. There are several instances where this may occur, and here are a few examples: Title Held Individually or as Tenants in Common In many instances, […]

Selling Your House During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Hoping to put your house on the market in 2020 or beyond? What to consider regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. If you were planning to put your house on the market in 2020 or beyond, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has likely given you pause. Is now a good time? Will prospective buyers come? Will they leave germs all over […]

Selling a Home in Florida? Key Legal Requirements

Selling a home in Florida can be different than selling one in any other state, both in terms of laws and traditional procedures. Here are some important facts to know. From contract forms to closings, here is what sellers of a Florida home should expect and plan for. Role of Real Estate Agents in Florida […]

Selling a Florida Home: What Are My Disclosure Obligations?

Guidance on what residential real estate sellers must tell prospective home buyers when selling a house in Florida. Florida, like many other states, requires sellers of homes and other residential properties to make certain disclosures to buyers about the property’s condition and history. This is a shift from the traditional legal principle of “let the […]

What You Need For Your Real Estate Closing

You just signed for your first home buying purchase and you’re so excited to get your keys!! It’s true, Real Estate is STILL one of the best ways to invest and you did it! The inspection passed and the financing approved! It’s an exciting time and you may be wondering if your closing will go as […]

FHA Creates More Borrowers

“This is a fiscally responsible measure to price our mortgage insurance in a way that protects our insurance fund while preserving the dream of homeownership for credit-qualified borrowers.”  Julian Castro, U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary The FHA (Federal Housing Administration) has seen an increase in their reserves and is now passing that positive monetary […]

The Holidays at James N Brown PA

As another year ends a new one begins, all of us at James N Brown Pa wish you and your families a very safe and Happy Holiday Season and a very very Happy New Year! We love celebrating with our friends and family! Here’s a peak at the holidays with us at James N Brown […]

Closing Time – Fast or Delayed Title Attorney

In the last year new TRID rules have changed the closing process. Title companies have experienced many ups and downs with the process but as time has gone on, mastering these changes has been essential to a clean and clear close! So here’s the update! James N. Brown PA is ready for you! We’ve mastered […]

Wire Fraud on The Rise – Protect Yourself

Protect yourself and know that wire fraud is on the rise with hackers attacking both realtors emails as well as title companies! In todays cyber world it’s no surprise that we’ve opened ourselves up to unfamiliar ways to be scammed. As of late, hackers are gaining access to your funds by first finding a way […]