The rights and protections for homeowners in some instances extend beyond the property lines. This may mean that certain hazards from nearby land or houses are not permitted when they affect others, as this could be considered a public safety concern as well as numerous other problems.

However, when the person living in a building next to certain businesses or organizations, the law has various gray areas that may require additional assistance and precedence before anything further is done. Resolving matters with dangers and possible health fears often needs an environmental lawyer to determine how to proceed and who to contact for the matter.

Crops often need dusting and other sprays to provide for better chances in the fruits, vegetables and other plants in growing and avoiding insects. Because of these chemicals, if someone lives near a crop or farm, it is important to attempt to avoid these matters. However, contacting the organization to cease the use of these substances is not usually fruitful. Numerous compounds are dangerous to the health of humans, and the inhalation or skin contact could cause adverse reactions. Unfortunately, alternatives to having the company stop the spray are usually needed. This may include moving, building a fence that blocks the chemicals or other possibilities. It is important to contact a lawyer to determine what options may be available.

Pesticides and Human Harm

The use of pesticides and insecticides is a danger to humans when in the general location the substances are sprayed. This could lead to the liquids landing on food, water, human skin and other materials which could cause injury or poisoning if ingested. When these chemicals are carried to neighboring locations, there is a higher risk of animals dying, internal harm and health dangers to children and adults. However, the problem for many individuals is getting a company to seek another method that does not cause a risk of potential harm to a residential neighborhood. An environmental law lawyer may be needed for these concerns.

Certain regulations and stipulations may exist that do not permit organizations from spraying chemicals when in a certain radius from a residential neighborhood. Due to the toxic effect these substances have on humans, the local and city government legislation may have banned this practice. However, with enough persons affected, it is possible to change the law through community cooperation. This may cause an alteration to what is sprayed and how much near a housing area. There are possible grounds for trespass claims unless the organization has all needed permits, certificates and regulations on the side of the owners.

Trespass Actions

When the land is possessed by an owner, and there is a farm, organization or individual near enough to cause the spray to drift into the property, it is possible to seek action due to trespass. There must be an unauthorized physical object that causes the trespass, but it does not need to be a person. If injuries exist or the substances cause the quality of life to decrease, this could be grounds for legal action. This is usually determined by several factors that include the affected person owning the home within the radius of the chemical spray. It is possible the farm, organization or company could be liable for damages or a remedy of ceasing the use of spray materials.

Tangible Substances

For sprays to be considered tangible or physical substances, there are certain factors deliberated upon. The first must include an interference in enjoyment of land or the home with a need for a remedy to the issue. The state usually determines if the spray drifting into the property interferes with the possession of the home. However, it is possible that the court will require injury to be present before the intrusion is deemed negative enough that a cease order is issued. For it to be part of a trespass through tangible substances, the judge will account all the facts and apply it to the case.

Environmental Law Assistance

Sprays such as pesticides and insecticides affect land, and this connects to environmental law. The need for a lawyer is often greater due to the complications that may arise through these claims. However, with legal assistance for these matters, the chances of success are higher than when attempting a resolution alone. There are often regulations and certain laws governing the local area that affect what is permitted and why nothing ever progresses. However, an environmental lawyer understands these so he or she may move forward accordingly.
