Of all Title Searches, more than 1/3 reveal at least a small problem that title professionals need to fix prior to closing. While most may be minor, it could also reveal that the Title is not in the name of the seller.

Title Searches are done after you sales contract is accepted, reviewing land records going back many years. Your chosen Title Professional will search public records to reveal any and all issues with the Title. It’s important to resolve all these issues prior to closing.

Along with your Owners Policy, most lenders will require a Lenders Title Insurance to protect the loan. The policy is based on the loan amount. This policy however, only protects the lender should any problems arise. It does not protect the buyer. The policy amount decreases yearly and will disappears as the loan is paid off.

Title Search and Clean Title is not something to take lightly within the purchasing process. With 1/3 of all searches revealing problems you want to be protected and represented by a Title Company that will help you protect your investment. There’s no greater investment than your home.