Neighbor Disputes: What to Do When Your Neighbor Invades Your Property

There is a saying “tall fences make good neighbors.” For many people this could be true. However, there are some neighbors who do not respect tall fences or any other border. There are a few sayings for that type of neighbor as well. “Let’s get a land survey,” and “I’d hate to go to court […]

5 Things Your Real Estate Attorney Wishes You Knew

Real estate attorneys aren’t always the most popular people on the block. Hey, I’m a lawyer, so I fully appreciate why some people don’t like us. We’re expensive, we’re often difficult to get a hold of, and when we do call you back, we don’t always tell you what you want to hear. Sometimes, we […]

Property Dispute Lawyers

What is a Property Dispute? A property dispute refers to any legal dispute involving real property, also known as real estate. Real property is immoveable property attached directly to the land. Real property includes single-family homes, condominiums, apartments, ponds, canals, and roads. Parties to Property Disputes Property disputes may involve the following parties, including but […]

When Is the Best Time to Sell Your House? 5 Factors to Consider

When is the best time to sell your house? Timing can make a big difference in terms of selling your home quickly and for the most cash. But here’s the thing: The rules on pinpointing that best time might not be what you think. The assumption that spring is always the best time to sell […]

How Long Must You Wait to Purchase a Home after Filing Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is no easy decision to make. For many, there is a sense of failure or loss. For others, it can be a clean start and an opportunity to start over. Let’s face it: financial education in this country is poor, and that’s putting it mildly! We learn by doing, and sometimes we […]

Moving Out of the Marital Home – Do I Lose My Rights to It?

Moving out of the marital home may require permission from the other spouse to avoid the possible charge of abandonment, and communication with the spouse and a legal professional in this situation is key. The person that moves out may still have a right to the marital home during a divorce or even in separation. […]

How Much Do We Need as a Down Payment to Buy a Home?

It can be confusing to understand the amount of money you’ll need for a down payment on a home because of the availability of different loan programs. Many people, anxious to buy their first home, want to find a loan that requires the smallest percentage down payment. For example, say that a couple has been […]

Buying a Home With Bad Credit

Put your fears about buying a home with bad credit aside. Just because you have bad credit or filed bankruptcy or gone through a foreclosure does not mean you cannot buy a home. You most certainly can buy a home with bad credit. But you’re going to pay more than a borrower who has sparkling […]

Repair Requests on Home Buying and Selling

Every house needs repairs. There is no perfect house. If a house were perfect, everything would break or fall apart at the same time. But as it is, the envelope of a home: its roof, floors, walls, windows, structural support members, all have different lifespans. Although, today, many appliances seem to stop working as soon […]

Why Millennials Prefer Adjustable Rate Mortgages

The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has long been a tradition in the U.S., but for many Millennials buying homes, this old-hat loan product just won’t cut it anymore. Instead, this cohort is gravitating toward a historically less-used product: the adjustable-rate mortgage. Offering lower up-front costs and the flexibility to up and move without taking a huge […]